Caravaggio's Roman artichokes recipe (Carciofi alla Romana)

Carciofi alla Romana is an appetizing Italian dish: also Caravaggio liked it.

Caravaggio, whose real name was Michelangelo Merisi, (Milan, September 29, 1571 - Porto Ercole, July 18, 1610) is the most original Italian painter of the seventeenth century. His paintings had a strong formative influence on the Baroque art, thanks to his new way to paint light and real people. At twenty years old Caravaggio moved to Rome where they say that an host of Piazza Navona gave him food in exchange for commissioned paintings. Among those food there were Roman artichokes, or carciofi alla Romana. Here's the recipe.


Ingredients for two persons for the Roman artichokes (carciofi alla romana)

  • artichokes;
  • water;
  • lemon juice;
  • parsley;
  • mint (mentuccia, calamintha nepeta);
  • garlic;
  • extra virgin olive oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Preparation of the Roman artichokes (carciofi alla romana)

Wash the artichokes, remove the outer leaves and leave a bit of stem, without the hard part.

Drain the artichokes, open slightly their leaves and raised the inside beard. Then immerse the vegetables in some water and lemon juice for 2/3 minutes.

Fill the artichokes with chopped parsley, mint, garlic, salt, then close them.

Take a pan with the edges rather high and place into the artichokes upside down covering them with equal parts of water and oil, then salt. Cover and put the pan into the oven.

The artichokes can be served when the cooking liquid is completely evaporated.

Sources — Carciofi alla Romana di Caravaggio

Wikipedia — Michelangelo Merisi

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