Articles tagged with "pepper"

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

Pepper (infographic)

An embarrassing wealth of choices.

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How Spicy Is That Pepper (infographic)

... and capsaicin benefits heart health!

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Caravaggio's Roman artichokes recipe (Carciofi alla Romana)

Carciofi alla Romana is an appetizing Italian dish: also Caravaggio liked it.

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The recipe of Risotto Nobile Piemontese

Our friend Carlo teaches us an interesting risotto recipe: many thanks Carlo to be again in our kitchen!

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The Pizza recipe made with stale bread

For an appetizing home made Pizza you can use the stale bread!

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Pancakes and fishballs of nunnata recipe

Also known as "new born sardines": they have the flavor of the sea.

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The vegetable soup recipe

A little bit tricky, but the result will satisfy you!

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The pizza - history, curiosities and a recipe

From Naples to all over the world.

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Recipe of the classical Baccalà alla Vicentina

How to spend your next three days in the kitchen.

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Mozzarella and tomato recipe for beginners

So simple and so good. Excellent for the hot season.

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Ham and Port wine flavored melon recipe

A cool summer dish which works as an appetizer and a main dish as well.

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Roasted yet soft potatoes recipe

6 potatoes, some wine and 20 minutes of oven.

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The tuna and peas recipe (and a little history)

Our personal ace in the hole when the fridge is dramatically empty.

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